Papers In Journals
- M. Kezunovic “Energy & Distribution: What’s Next in These Management Systems,” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 16-24, March/April 2018, DOI: 10.1109/MPE.2017.2779550.
- M. Kezunovic and T.J. Overbye, “Off the Beaten Path: Resiliency and Associated Risk,” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 26-35, March/April 2018, DOI: 10.1109/MPE.2017.2780961.
- P. C. Chen and M. Kezunovic, “Fuzzy Logic Approach to Predictive Risk Analysis in Distribution Outage Management”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 2827-2836, November 2016.
- P. Dehghanian and M. Kezunovic, “Probabilistic Decision Making for the Bulk Power System Optimal Topology Control”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2071-2081, July 2016.
- P. Dehghanian, Y. Wang, G. Gurrala, E. Moreno, M. Kezunovic, “Flexible Implementation of Power System Corrective Topology Control,” Electric Power System Research, Vol. 128, pp. 79-89, November 2015.
- Y. Guan, M. Kezunovic, “Contingency-based Nodal Market Operation Using Intelligent Economic Alarm Processor”, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, Vol.4, no.1, pp.540-548, March 2013.
- M. Kezunovic, “Data Analytics: Creating Information and Knowledge“, Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE, Vol.10, No.5, pp.14-23, September 2012.
- M. Kezunovic, J.D. McCalley, T.J. Overbye, “Smart Grids and Beyond: Achieving the Full Potential of Electricity Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.100, Special Centennial Issue, pp.1329-1341, May 2012
- C. Zheng, M. Kezunovic,“Impact of Wind Generation Uncertainty on Power System Small Disturbance Voltage Stability — A PCM-based Approach,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 84, No. 1, pp 10-19, March 2012.
- Y. Guan, M. Kezunovic, “Grid Monitoring and Market Risk Management Using Intelligent Economic Alarm Processor,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol.26, No.2, pp.18-21, March-April 2011.
- M. Kezunovic, “Smart Fault Location for Smart Grids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 11-22, March 2011.
- M. Kezunovic, “Intelligent Design.” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 37-44, November 2010.
- H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “A New Analysis Method for Early Detection and Prevention of Cascading Events,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 77, No. 8, pp. 1132-1142, June 2007.
- N. Zhang, M. Kezunovic, “A Real Time Fault Analysis Tool for Monitoring Operation of Transmission Line Protective Relay,” Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Vol. 77, No. 3-4, pp. 361-370, March 2007.
- M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, “Merging the Temporal and Spatial Aspects of Data and Information for Improved Power System Monitoring Applications,” IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp 1909-1919, 2005.
- M. Kezunovic, Z. Ren, G. Latisko, D.R. Sevcik, J. Lucey, W. Cook, E. Koch, “Automated Monitoring and Analysis of Circuit Breaker Operation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp 1910-1918, July 2005.
- S. Luo, M. Kezunovic, D.R. Sevcik, “Locating Faults in the Transmission Network Using Sparse Field Measurements, Simulation Data and Genetic Algorithms,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 169-177, October 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, A. Edris, D. Sobajic, “Data Integration/Exchange Part II: Future Technical and Business Opportunities,” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 24-29, May/June 2004.
- A. Phadke, M. Kezunovic, B. Pickett, M. Adamiak, M. Begovic, G. Benmouyal, R. Burnett, Jr., T. Cease, J. Goossens, D. Hansen, L. Mankoff, P. McLaren, G. Michel, R. Murphy, J. Nordstrom, M. Sachdev, H. Smith, J. Thorp, M. Trotignon, T. Wang, M. Xavier, “Synchronized Sampling and Phasor Measurements for Relaying and Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 442-452, January 1994.
- M. Kezunovic, P. Spasojevic, B. Perunicic, “New Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for Frequency Deviation Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 1563-1573, July 1992.
- M. Kezunovic, G. Huang, A. Abur, “The ICPS Application in a New Distributed Approach to EMS Implementation,” IFAC Symposium Series, Number 6, Pergamon Press, 1991.
Papers In Proceeding of Refereed Conferences
- J. B. Leite. M. Kezunovic, “Harmonizing IoT Nodes in the Multi-tier Computational Model for Integrated Distribution Network Operations,” IEEE PES GM, Orlando, July 2023
- J. Leite, M. Kezunovic, “Risk Mitigation Approaches for Improved Resilience in Distribution Networks,” IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition, Latin America, September 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TDLA47668.2020.9326210.
- J. Leite, J. Mantovani, T. Dokic, Q. Yan, P.-C. Chen, M. Kezunovic, “Failure Probability Metric by Machine Learning for Online Risk Assessment in Distribution Networks,” to be presented in IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT-LA), Quito, Ecuador, September 20-22, 2017.
- M. Kezunovic, T. Dokic, and P.-C. Chen, “Big Data Uses for Risk Assessment in Predictive Outage and Asset Management,” CIGRE Dublin Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, May 29-June 2, 2017.
- J. Leite, J. R. Mantovani, T. Dokic, Q. Yan, P.-C. Chen, M. Kezunovic, “The Impact of Time Series-based Interruption Cost on Online Risk Assessment in Distribution Networks,” IEEE PES 2016 Transmission and Distribution Latin America (T&D LA), Morelia, Mexico, September 2016.
- P. Dehghanian, M. Kezunovic, “Probabilistic Impact of Transmission Line Switching on Power System Operating States,” IEEE Power and Energy Systems (PES) Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Conference and Exposition, Dallas, USA, May 2-5, 2016.
- T. Dokic, P. Dehghanian, P.-C. Chen, M. Kezunovic, Z. Medina-Cetina, J. Stojanovic, Z. Obradovic “Risk Assessment of a Transmission Line Insulation Breakdown due to Lightning and Severe Weather,” HICCS – Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Kauai, Hawaii, January 2016.
- P.-C. Chen, T. Dokic, N. Stokes, D. W. Goldberg, M. Kezunovic, “Predicting Weather-Associated Impacts in Outage Management Utilizing the GIS Framework,” IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT-LA), Montevideo, Uruguay, October 2015.
- B. Zhang, P. Dehghanian, M. Kezunovic, “Simulation of Weather Impacts on the Wholesale Electricity Market”, DEMSEE, Budapest, Hungary, September, 2015.
- P. Dehghanian and M. Kezunovic, “Impact Assessment of Power System Topology Control on System Reliability,” IEEE Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, Porto, Portugal, September 2015.
- P. C. Chen, T. Dokic, M. Kezunovic, “The Use of Big Data for Outage Management in Distribution Systems,” International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) Workshop, Rome, Italy, June 2014.
- M.Kezunovic, L. Xie, S. Grijalva, “The Role of Big Data in Improving Power System Operation and Protection,” Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control Symposium, Rethymnon, Greece, August 2013.
- M. Kezunovic, “The Next Generation EMS Design,” CIGRE Lisbon Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2013.
- M. Kezunovic, A. Bose, “The Future EMS Design Requirements“, 46th HICCS Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, January 2013.
- C. Pang, M. Kezunovic, “Static Security Analysis Based on Weighted Vulnerability Index in Power System“, IEEE PES General Meeting 2011, Detroit, July 2011.
- C.Zheng, Y. Dong, O.Gonen, M. Kezunovic, “Data Integration Used in New Applications and Control Center Visualization Tools,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, July 2010.
- M. Kezunovic, C. Zheng, C. Pang, “Merging PMU, Operational, and Non-operational Data for Interpreting Alarms, Locating Faults and Preventing Cascades,” 43th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 43), Hawaii, January 2010.
- Y. Guan, M. Kezunovic, “Implementing Intelligent Techniques for the Advanced Alarm Processing,” 15th International conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, Curitiba, Brazil, November 2009.
- M. Kezunovic, M. Knezev, “Temporal and Spatial Requirements for Optimized Fault Location,” 41th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 41), Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, January 2008.
- M. Kezunovic, C. Pang, “Improved Transmission Line Protection During Cascading Events,” CIGRE B5 Colloquium, Madrid, Spain, October 2007.
- M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, M. Knezev, T. Popovic, “Automation of Fault Analysis: Implementation Approaches and Related Benefits,” International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 07, Hong Kong, July, 2007.
- Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, T. Kostic, “An Advance Alarm Processor Using Two-level Processing Structure,” Power Tech 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
- M. Kezunovic, D. R. Sevcik, R. Lunsford, T. Popovic, “Integration and Use of Substation Data,” Fault and Disturbance Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2007.
- M. Kezunovic, D. R. Sevcik, R. Lunsford, T. Popovic, “Integration of Substation Data,” Texas A&M Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, Texas, March 2007.
- M. Kezunovic, “The Next Generation of Monitoring and Control Systems Using Synchronized Sampling Technology and Multifunctional IEDs,” 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 40), Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, January 2007.
- Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, T. Kostic, “The Dynamic Utilization of Substation Measurements to Maintain Power System Observability,” IEEE 2006 PES Power System Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2006.
- Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, T. Kostic, “Cost Minimization in Power System Measurement Placement,” 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2006), Changqing, China, October 2006.
- N. Zhang, M. Kezunovic, “Improving Real-time Fault Analysis and Validating Relay Operations to Prevent or Mitigate Cascading Blackouts,” IEEE 2005 PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, May 2006.
- H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “Static Analysis of Vulnerability and Security Margin of the Power System,” IEEE 2005 PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, May 2006.
- M. Kezunovic, “Monitoring of Power System Topology in Real-Time,” Hawaii Int’l. Conference on System Sciences, HICCS-39, Poipu, Kauai, January 2006.
- N. Zhang, H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “New Monitoring and Control Scheme for Preventing Cascading Outage,” North American Power Symposium NAPS 2005, Ames, Iowa, October 2005.
- H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “Static Security Analysis based on Vulnerability Index (VI) and Network Contribution Factor (NCF) Method,” IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, China, August 2005.
- M. Kezunovic, T. Djokic, T. Kostic, “Robust Topology Determination Based on Additional Substation Data from IEDs,” PowerTech 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2005.
- T. Kostic, C. Frei, O. Preiss, M. Kezunovic, “Possible Ways of Data Exchange Using Standards IEC 61850 and IEC 61970,” JUKO CIGRE, Zlatibor, Serbia and Montenegro, June 2005.
- M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, N. Ved, “Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment of Circuit Breaker Operations for Diagnostics and Control Applications,” EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference XIII, New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 2005.
- M. Kezunovic, T. Djokic, T. Kostic, “Automated Monitoring and Control Using New Data Integration Paradigm,” Hawaii Int’l. Conference on System Sciences, HICCS-38, Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 2005.
- H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “A Comprehensive Contribution Factor Method for Congestion Management,” IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, New York, New York, October 2004.
- H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “Stability Control Using PEBS Method and Analytical Sensitivity of the Transient Energy Margin,” IEEE PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, New York, October 2004.
- T. Kostic, C. Fei, O. Preiss, M. Kezunovic, “Scenarios for Data Exchange Using Standards IEC 61970 and IEC 61850,” UCA Users Group Meeting, Paris, France, September 2004.
- H. Song, M. Kezunovic, “Relieving Overload and Improving Voltage by the Network Contribution Factor (NCF) Method,” North American Power Symposium, NAPS 2004, Moscow, Idaho, August 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, “Integrating Data and Sharing Information from Various IEDs to Improve Monitoring, Condition-Based Diagnostic, Maintenance, Asset Management and Operation Tasks,” EPRI Substation Equipment Disturbance Conference, New Orleans, Lousiana, February 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, D. Sobajic, “Managing Complexity Through Data Integration and Configuration Exchange,” IREP Symposium, Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy, August 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, D.R. Sevcik, A. Chitambar, “Automated Fault Analysis Using Advanced Information Technology for Data Integration and Information Exchange,” 2004 CIGRE General Session, Paris, France, August 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, “Automated Monitoring Functions for Improved Power System Operation and Control,” Melecon 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, A. Chitambar, B. Lunsford, A. Bartylak, “Facilitating Restoration After System-Wide Disturbances Using Automated Analysis,” Fault Disturbance Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2004.
- M. Kezunovic, “Data Integration and Information Exchanged for Enhanced Control and Protection of Power Systems,” Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, January 2003.
- G. Latisko, M. Kezunovic, “User Interfacing for an Automated Circuit Breaker Monitoring and Analysis,” VI International Symposium – Interdisciplinary Regional Research (Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia), Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, October 2002.
- X. Xu, M. Kezunovic, “Automated Network Drawing Using Self-Organizing Map,” Med Power 2002, Athens, Greece, November 2002.
- M. Kezunovic, S. Vasilic, F. Gul-Bagriyanik, “Advanced Approaches for Detecting and Diagnosing Transients and Faults,” Med Power 2002, Athens, Greece, November 2002.
- S. Jakovljevic, M. Kezunovic, “Advanced Substation Data Collecting and Processing for State Estimation Enhancement,” IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 2002.
- M. Kezunovic, “Ownership of Data and the Need for Information Exchange,” Balkan Power Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, June 2002.
- X. Xu, M. Kezunovic, “Mobile Agent Software Applied in Maintenance Scheduling,” North American Power Symposium – NAPS, College Station, Texas, October 2001.
- D. R. Sevcik, R. B. Lunsford, M. Kezunovic, Z. Galijasevic, S. Banu, T. Popovic, “Automated Analysis of Fault Records and Dissemination of Event Reports,” Texas A&M 53rd Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, Texas, April 2000.
- M. Kezunovic, “ Data Acquisition and Communication Requirements for Advanced Monitoring, Control and Protection,” CIGRE Symposium on Integrated Control and Communication Systems, Helsinki, Finland, August 1995.
- M. Kezunovic, P. Spasojevic, B. Perunicic, “ New Detection Techniques for Power System Disturbance Monitoring and Analysis,” ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1993.
- M. Kezunovic, P. Spasojevic, B. Perunicic, “ Measurements of Phase Shift Using Synchronized Sampling,”Conference on Precise Measurements in Power Systems, Washington DC, October 1993.
- B. Perunicic, M. Kezunovic, P.Spasojevic, “ New Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for Frequency Deviation Measurements,” IEEE IECON, Monterey, California, November 1990.
- M. Kezunovic, G. Huang, A. Abur, “ The ICPS Application in a New Distributed Approach to EMS Implementation,” 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, August 1990.
- M. Kezunovic, “Integration of a System-Wide Protective Relaying Scheme in a Distributed Processing Energy Management System Design,” CIGRE Symposium Digital Technology in Power Systems, Bournemouth, England, June 1989.
- M. Kezunovic, B. Perunicic, “ Prospects for Integrated Control and Protection System Applications in Energy Management System Implementations,” NSF Computer Relaying Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, October 1987.
- M. Kezunovic, O. Matic, “An Integrated Control and Protection System as a Part of an Overall EMS Configuration,” VI Symposium on Control and Informatics Applications in Electric Utilities in Yugoslavia, Cavtat, Croatia, November 1986 (in Serbo-Croatian).
- M. Kezunovic, S. Acic, D. Andjelic, G. Adzaip, “Local Automatic Control Subsystem for Substation Applications (MICROLARTS) – Design Requirements and Implementation Characteristics,” Symposium MIPRO 86, Opatija, Croatia, May 1986 (in Serbo-Croatian).
- M. Kezunovic, “Microprocessor Applications in Electric Power Substations and Power Plants – State of the Art and Future Trends,” 4th International Conference on Present Day Problems of Power Systems, Automation and Control, Giliwice, Poland, May 1985.
- M. Kezunovic, O. Matic, “System Approach to the Consideration of the Relation Between Operator and Control System in the Electric Power Dispatching Centers,” III Symposium VAES, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 1983 (in Serbo-Croatian).
Technical Reports
- M. Kezunovic, et al., “The Next Generation Energy Management System Design“, PSerc Report #13-40, Sepetember 2013.
- V. Vittal, M. Kezunovic, J. Zhang, et al., “Data Mining to Characterize Signatures of Impending System Events or Performance from PMU Measurements“, PSerc Report #13-39, August 2013.
- M. Kezunovic, “How the Use of Data form New Sensors Enhances Reliability,” Sub-Report of DOE project “A Real-time Monitoring, Control & Health Management System to Improve Grid Reliability and Efficiency”, March 2013.
- M. Kezunovic, P. Dutta, S. Grijalva, et al., “The Smart Grid Needs: Model and Data Interoperability, and Unified Generalized State Estimator,” PSerc Report #12-22, August, 2012.
- J. Ward, M. Kezunovic, “Communication Requirements and Integration Options for Smart Grid Deployment,” PSerc Report #12-03, April 2012.
- M. Kezunovic, et. al., “EMS for 21st Century: System Requirements”, Working Group D2.24, CIGRE Report # 452, ISBN: 978-2-85873-141-1, Paris, Aug 2010.
- M. Kezunovic, J. Ward, et. al. “Integration of Asset and Outage Management Tasks for Distribution Systems,” PSerc Report #09-11, October 2009.
- Kezunovic, T. J. Overbye, “Integration of Substation IED Information into EMS Functionality,” PSerc Report #08-25, November 2008.
- M. V. Venkatasubramanian, M. Kezunovic, V. Vittal, “Detection, Prevention and Mitigation of Cascading Events,” Pserc Report #08-18, September, 2008.
- M. Kezunovic, “Multiple Uses of Substation Data,” EPRI Technical Report, December 2006.
- M. Kezunovic, L. Portillo, B. Naodovic, “Performance Assessment of Advanced Digital Measurement and Protection System,” PSerc Report #06-22, July 2006.
- M. Kezunovic, G. Latisko, “Enhanced Reliability of Power System Operation Using Advanced algorithms and IEDs for On-Line Monitoring” Pserc Report #05-56, October 2005.
- M. Kezunovic, “Substation Automation: Data Integration and Information Exchange,” EPRI Final Report, January 2005.
- M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, “Data Integration and Information Exchange: Impacts on Future Substation and EMS Applications”, EPRI Final Report, #1010898 , May 2004.
- G. Huang, M. Kezunovic, “Context-Dependent Network Agents,” Section related to TAMU’s work, Final Report, EPRI, December 2001.
- Energoivest Company “Energy Management System Computer Configuration,” Documentation for EMS Control Centers in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar, Banja Luka, Niksic, (in former Yugoslavia) and in Lybia, October 1980-March 1981.
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